Thursday 2 February 2012

NHS Lanarkshire fined £24,000 After Patient Contracted the Potentially Lethal Legionnaires’ Disease

A 64 year old woman was taken 'gravely' ill in the formerly known Hartwoodhill Hospital - this following statement was reported:
"An investigation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) identified Legionella bacteria in three sources in the water system at the hospital. Two of these sources, including the shower used by the patient daily, matched the strain that caused her illness."
Usually we would assume that there was no scheme in place to protect the patients from the bacteria, commonly know to proliferate in stagnant water, or built up scaly pipework - the way the disease is contracted, is through inhaling air particles carrying a spray or mildly evaporated form of the contaminated water... unfortunately, this is exactly how this woman fell ill.

The statement went on to say:
"The HSE investigation established that assessment of the risks from the potential presence of Legionella bacteria to those using the facilities had not been carried out. Neither was there a safe scheme to manage and control the risks of exposure to that form of bacteria in the water system at Hartwoodhill Hospital. The hospital officially closed last year."
These are the types of instances that can be easily avoided by implementing a good team of experts to help monitor the risks associated with legionella. 

Procurement managers - Listen up! Contact a great supplier with brilliant rates - especially if your building(s) have older patients or people, that are more at risk of contracting the disease! These things could be avoided quite easily, there is certainly no reason for anyone's life to come under threat. There is a ton of information available on the web, and good suppliers out there waiting for your call!

Let's get on top of your Health and Safety eh?

For more quick information on how you can obtain a risk assessment at a price that wipes the floor with most of their competitors, contact Spectrum, a leading supplier in the water treatment industry, on 0870 729 0199

Read more of the story quoted, published by Wishaw Press here

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